Systematic Violence and Oppression in the Region


The ongoing violence and oppression faced by the local population are alarming. Two men from Mishka approached us, sharing that there is not a single day without acts of violence, particularly targeting women. This pervasive atmosphere of fear is emblematic of the broader issues affecting the region.

Inhumane Treatment and Extortion

Near Tatar Bazardjik, we encountered a group of a dozen men tied together in pairs, guarded by three or four zaptiehs. They were being transported to Tatar Bazardjik, where Mr. Schuyler uncovered troubling evidence regarding one Ali Bey. This man, wielding some form of unrecognized authority, was known to arrest wealthy individuals on unfounded charges of belonging to the Insurrectionary Committee. Once imprisoned, these men faced various forms of maltreatment, ultimately being coerced into paying ransoms ranging from fifteen to fifty pounds for their release The Aftermath of Destruction.

The situation in Tatar Bazardjik is not unique; there are three beys in the area engaged in this profitable practice. One of them, Tassun Bey, is particularly notorious for his role in the destruction of Klissura. He even accompanied Mr. Baring during his visit to the area, highlighting his significant influence.

Larger Scale Oppression in Sofia

In Sofia, the scale of these abuses is magnified. Here, the Kaimakam oversees extortion practices that can demand ransoms of up to £500. This staggering amount illustrates the systematic exploitation of the local population, who are powerless against such abuses of authority Istanbul Private Tours.

At Tamboli, the situation is equally dire. The community is entirely under the control of three or four beys, or Turkish notables, who effectively govern the area. In their presence, the Kaimakam’s authority is rendered nonexistent. During our observations, these beys issued orders that the Kaimakam was expected to fulfill without consulting him. He stood by silently, demonstrating his subservience and the complete erosion of his authority.

Atmosphere of Terror

The atmosphere of terror in Tamboli is palpable. The fear instilled by the beys is so profound that very few residents dared to approach us, and those who did came under the cover of night, seeking to remain inconspicuous. This level of intimidation is a clear indicator of the desperate conditions faced by the local population.

The testimonies from Mishka, Tatar Bazardjik, Sofia, and Tamboli illustrate a grim reality of systematic violence and oppression. The exploitation of vulnerable individuals by those in power continues unabated, creating an environment where fear reigns and human rights are routinely violated. It is imperative that the international community recognizes these abuses and takes action to protect the innocent and hold the perpetrators accountable.


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