

Centrally located in eastern Anatolia, Elazig promises visitorsa rich feast of history and culture.Dating back to the 3rd millennium B.C., Harput was home tonumerous tribes from the Hurrians to the Seljuks. The castle at Harput, wherelegend has it that milk was used to alleviate a water shortage during theconstruction, has ensured regional security since the time of the Urartus.Made by sculptor Nurettin Orhan, the monument to Belek Gazi,a key figure in Harput` history, in the courtyard of the Great Mosque is a reminderof this important ruler.Dabakhane River to the north of Harput Castle is rich inminerals. Boasting thermal properties, its waters are highly recommended forgastrointestinal and liver ailments as well as for depression.Turkey` second largest dam reservoir, Keban Dam not only suppliesa major portion of the country` power needs, it has also brought the localpeople resort areas where they can enjoy freshwater fish.Elazig Archaeology and Ethnography Museum is located on thecampus of Firat University School of Engineering. The museum, which reflectsthe region` archaeological wealth, features exhibits of finds unearthed inarchaeological excavations in the area around Keban Dam Reservoir as well asexamples of the region k ethnographical richness. Closed Mondays, the museum isopen other days 8 a.m. to 5p.m.

Young at heart

With its orange- scented coasts,Wild festivals and architectural wonders, valencia is spain`forever- young city bythe sea. And it` poised now to becomethe mediterranean`new star. Here are five reasons to see valencia.

City of art and learning

With its vast squares and modern architecture, this isperhaps the city` most striking quarter. In addition to Oceanographic, one ofEurope` largest aquariums, the Cuidad de las Artes y las Ciencias with itsmuseum, cinema and opera draws upwards of five million visitors annually. Andthe area` fantastic architecture bears the signature of native son SantiagoCalatrava.

The silk market

Near the Plaza de la Reina where the cathedral stands, oneof the city` iconic structures with its gothic lines and octagonal bell tower,there is another interesting building, the historic 15th century Lonja de laSeda, or silk market. Declared a world cultural heritage by UNESCO, it issurrounded by historic churches and other buildings.

Albufera lagoon

This lagoon in Albufera Nature Park is 11 kilometers southof Valencia. A wetland protected as one of the Mediterranean` uniquebiological reserves, it is fed by natural underwater springs. A boat tour atsunset on the lake, which is a center of attraction for bird watchers, isanother Valencia pleasure.

Benicassim festival

One of the world` leading open-air music festivals,Benicassim is gearing up for this summer with the slogan, “Four days ofconcerts, eights days of camp, 100 artists and more (short films, theater, art,dance and courses). The big guns of this year` festival,July 14-17, include Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Mumford& Sons, Portishead and The Strokes,

Barrio de carmen

A leisurely stroll down the Barrio de Carmen, the city`eating, drinking and entertainment district, is de rigueur for getting to knowValencia. The wind-swept streets lined with century-old buildings will let youfeel the heartbeat of the everyday life unique to this part of town.You can also sample here the Spanish snacks known as tapasto the accompaniment of live Flamenco music.

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